

What are the categories of marine fuel


Marine fuel mainly includes the following categories:

Heavy Fuel Oil, HFO):

This is the most common marine fuel, usually used in the main engines of large ships. It has a high viscosity and may also have a high sulfur content (depending on the specific fuel type and environmental standards). Heavy fuel oil is made by processing the remaining part of the crude oil distillation process.

Marine Diesel Oil, MDO or Marine Gas Oil, MGO):

This type of fuel is commonly used in auxiliary engines of ships (such as generators and boilers) and main engines of small ships. It has low sulfur content and viscosity, making it easy to handle and burn.

Marine Diesel Oil, MDO):

Marine diesel is a type of low sulfur diesel that has specifications similar to onshore diesel, but may contain more additives to meet the specific requirements of marine engines.

Low Sulfur Fuel Oil, LSFO):

With the increasingly strict restrictions on sulfur emissions by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the use of low sulfur fuel oil is becoming more common. This type of fuel has a low sulfur content and is typically a heavy fuel oil treated through desulfurization technology.

Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil, VLSFO):

In order to meet stricter sulfur emission restrictions, ships have started using extremely low sulfur fuel oil. This type of fuel has extremely low sulfur content and is usually made by deep desulfurization treatment or blending with light fuel.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), LNG):

Liquefied natural gas is a clean alternative fuel used in certain ships to reduce emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. LNG, as a marine fuel, has significant advantages in environmental protection.


Methanol as a potential marine fuel, is receiving attention as it can serve as a clean alternative energy source with lower emissions and carbon footprint.

The selection of marine fuel depends on factors such as the type, size, engine type, and environmental regulations of the vessel. Ship operators need to select appropriate marine fuel based on these factors and cost-benefit analysis.

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